Meeting because of ‘Deeply in love with you’, I find out we are so close, you are my ‘hopeful destiny’. Some leave, some stay, again and again. Eventually the ones left return while the ones returned leave. In the end, do we strive for changes to discover it is predetermined, or it is predetermined so we should strive for changes? Seek and search, recall and reminisce, lonely and lonesome. It is worthy to experience although the world calls me a fool. What is destiny? Who has a ‘hopeful destiny’ with you? So that you are willing to be bound by shackles. Keung(casted by Lee Shun Keung) meets his classmate Kiu (casted by Wong On Kiu) because of a CD, they find out they are congenial and are like-minded. They have crushes on each other while getting along every morning and evening, However, facing countless meetings and partings under the tides of immigrations, can they capture every opportunity? What course to follow their decisions? Perhaps, the destiny always stands aside from them……
《深愛着你》的巧遇,才發現原來我們這麼近,原來你是我「盼望的緣份」。到底,是爭取過才發現不能強求?還是因為不能強求才要嘗試爭取?緣份是甚麼?誰又是你「盼望的緣份」?讓你願擔起這枷鎖。阿強(李順強 飾)因一隻唱片巧遇同班同學阿橋(王安橋 飾),二人發現互相投契、志趣相同,在朝夕相對間發生曖昧關係。但在云云移民浪潮間,面對的離離合合,他們又會否懂得抓緊每個機會?二人何去何從?或許,緣分永遠要避開他們。。。
Official Shortlisted, The 4th Ground Up Students Film Festival
Special Mention, The 27th ifva Awards Youth Category
Director, Script Writer, Directory Of Photography, Editor